Parents Guide
We hope the resources below will help you navigate through your child’s diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. These resources have been put together to help you decide if you should seek the help of a physician for an Autism diagnosis, answer common FAQs, and provide research articles on Autism, ABA, and other commonly discussed topics. There are websites listed for your ease to connect with other families and communities in and around Texas, as well as nationally.
Recommended Parent Resources
Last but not least, there are resources that include activities you can do with your child when not in therapy. We hope you enjoy this page as much as we enjoyed gathering the information. If you have recommendations for other parent-friendly resources, please feel free to reach out to us at
Online Resources Recommended by our BCBA’s
Books Recommended by our BCBA’s
Sleep Better!: A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs
Applied Behavior Analysis 3rd Edition
Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph over Autism
Thinking in Pictures, Expanded Edition: My Life with Autism
Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior
Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis, Second Edition
Behavior Speak: A Glossary of Terms in Applied Behavior Analysis
How to Babysit a Logan